41 research outputs found

    La Protección de los sectores marítimo y portuario : amenazas y respuestas consideradas por la Organización Marítima International

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    Descripció del recurs: 4 de març de 2013La importancia estratégica y económica de los sectores marítimo y portuario para el comercio internacional es evidente. Cerca del 90 % de las mercancías del comercio mundial se transportan por mar. Si los aviones fueron las "armas" utilizadas en la masacre del 11-S; los trenes fueron instrumentalizados el 11-M, y los autobuses, el 7-J; a nadie con una cierta capacidad de análisis se le escapa que los buques pueden ser utilizados como objetivos o como medios de una acción criminal a gran escala, especialmente contra los puertos y las poblaciones de sus entornos. La piratería es otra de las acciones criminales que más preocupan a los operadores marítimos. Cada año se cometen cientos de ataques piratas en aguas de todo el mundo. África, América de Sur, el océano Índico, el mar de China Meridional y el estrecho de Malaca son puntos que provocan inquietud en las tripulaciones de los buques mercantes que navegan por sus aguas. La presente obra nos presenta las amenazas que se ciernen sobre estos sectores, así como las respuestas auspiciadas por la Organización Marítima Internacional, en el marco jurídico internacional, que son potenciadas en nuestro entorno por la Unión Europea y que recientemente han sido adaptadas a escala nacional. El objetivo básico de este texto es que sirva de ayuda a los prestadores de servicios de protección, tanto públicos como privados

    L’impacte dels creuers a Barcelona

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    El turisme de creuers, com qualsevol altra activitat de fet, té un impacte econòmic i un impacte ambiental. El debat sobre la seva importància en aquest cas necessita una valoració adequada d’aquests factors. S’inclouen aquí unes primeres idees en aquesta direcció.Postprint (published version

    Female figures in maritime education and training institutions between 2009 and 2018: analysing possible impacts of gender policies

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    This paper intends to provide a figure analysis of female students in Maritime Education and Training (MET) institutions over a decade (2009-2018) with the aim to analyse the possible impact of the gender equality policies applied. In recent years, while there has been an increase of female students in many technical degrees, in maritime education the gender imbalance seems to persist. This study of female student enrolment and graduation figures of some MET institutions provides a picture of current trends in the maritime education sector. The results are not very encouraging as they reveal an unchanging tendency concerning gender equality in this field of studies. In addition, the analysis of gender policies unveils that there is still a lot of work to be done. Such policies are scarce or inexistent and do not have a significant effect towards reducing this gender gap. In order to identify possible parallelisms in the professional sector, we also analysed the percentages of women in deck and engine positions issued by the Spanish Maritime Administration during the period studied. The case of Spain shows that this gender inequality is even more profound in the maritime professional sector. The study concludes that in spite of an increasing awareness the gender gap continues both in the educational and professional sector. Hence, the joint involvement of national maritime administrations and international maritime organisations and agencies is needed to develop more effective gender equality policies and programmes for a more egalitarian and inclusive maritime training and professional sectorPostprint (author's final draft

    Sustainable development program at the Faculty of Nautical Studies of Barcelona, Nautical engineering education

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    Nautical engineering education institutions play an important role and are a key tool in the future sustainable maritime transport and naval world. This paper addresses the role of nautical engineering education in the learning and implementation of the competence of sustainability and social commitment (SSC) in the Nautical Faculty of Barcelona and presents results of the first year of the implementation of the environmental program STEP2015 at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.Postprint (published version

    Mapping of resistance to corn borers in a MAGIC population of maize

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    Background: Corn borers constitute an important pest of maize around the world; in particular Sesamia nonagrioides Lefèbvre, named Mediterranean corn borer (MCB), causes important losses in Southern Europe. Methods of selection can be combined with transgenic approaches to increase the efficiency and durability of the resistance to corn borers. Previous studies of the genetic factors involved in resistance to MCB have been carried out using bi-parental populations that have low resolution or using association inbred panels that have a low power to detect rare alleles. We developed a Multi-parent Advanced Generation InterCrosses (MAGIC) population to map with high resolution the genetic determinants of resistance to MCB. Results: We detected multiple single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of low effect associated with resistance to stalk tunneling by MCB. We dissected a wide region related to stalk tunneling in multiple studies into three smaller regions (at ~ 150, ~ 155, and ~ 165 Mb in chromosome 6) that closely overlap with regions associated with cell wall composition. We also detected regions associated with kernel resistance and agronomic traits, although the colocalization of significant regions between traits was very low. This indicates that it is possible the concurrent improvement of resistance and agronomic traits. Conclusions: We developed a mapping population which allowed a finer dissection of the genetics of maize resistance to corn borers and a solid nomination of candidate genes based on functional information. The population, given its large variability, was also adequate to map multiple traits and study the relationship between them. Keywords: Maize, Mediterranean corn borer, Sesamia nonagrioides, Resistance, Mapping with multi-parent advanced generation InterCrosses (MAGIC) populations, Quantitative trait loci (QTL), Genome wide association analysis (GWAS)Xunta de Galicia | Ref. IN607A/013Ministerio de Economía | Ref. AGL2015-67313Ministerio de Economía | Ref. AGL2012-3341

    Modernizing and harmonizing maritime education in Montenegro and Albania. MArED Project

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    This paper presents achieved results of the first stage of the TEMPUS project (544257-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-ME-TEMPUS-JPCR) titled Modernizing and Harmonizing Maritime Education in Montenegro and Albania, MArED Project. The main objective of MArED project is to overcome a problem of competent and qualified human resources in maritime sector in Montenegro and Albania. It will be achieved through the modernization and harmonization of educational and training system in accordance to IMO and STCW Convention requirements. The paper is divided into following sections: First section is an explanation of the background of the MArED project. Secondly, a general overview of the whole project and activities is described. After, a revision of the existing maritime undergraduate study programmes is carried out and taking into account the results obtained from this initial analysis; the development and design of a programme which meets the new requirements of the STCW for the University of Montenegro and Albania (PC) is explained in third section. Fourth section is focused in the identification of the STCW 95/2010 competencies within the nautical and engine degrees (considering Barcelona School of Nautical Studies (FNB) curricula) and which of them can be evaluated by approved simulator training and also (re) training of PC teaching staff is described. Finally, achieved results and conclusions are presented.Postprint (published version

    A UPC innovation teaching project for the incorporation of the gender perspective in nautical, marine and naval engineering

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    There has been a rising awareness in recent years of the gender inequalities within STEM-related programmes and the need to overcome them and so bridge the gender gap in these academic disciplines. Different initiatives have arisen, among which there are gender equality policies, regulations and programmes. In line with this, the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU) promoted a regulation for the incorporation of the gender perspective in all the bachelor’s and master’s degrees in tertiary education in Catalonia by 2021. To comply with this regulation and also to promote a culture of equity and equality of opportunities for women, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) fostered different projects within its community. One of these projects has been developed by the Gender Equality Commission at Barcelona School of Nautical Studies and consists in the development of a web platform with resources for lecturers to incorporate this new transversal competence of gender perspective in the nautical, marine and naval engineering study plans. The main objective of this teaching innovation project is to aid teachers with the incorporation of this competence not only by providing online tools and resources but also gender-focused teacher training to allow them to design tailor-made activities and strategies. Some tests were also administered to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of these newly-designed gender equality teaching practices and some sample study plans and activities were developed to serve as a model and example of good practices for the incorporation of gender mainstreaming in the disciplines of nautical, marine and naval engineering

    Fotografia commemorativa del 8 de març amb estudiants, i dones dels col·lectius del PDI i PAS a l'escala principal de la Facultat de Nàutica de Barcelona. 2019.

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    Fotografia commemorativa del 8 de març amb totes les estudiants, i dones dels col·lectius del PDI i PAS a les 11:45 al hall de l’FNB. Amb motiu del 8 de març la Facultat de Nàutica de Barcelona, amb la participació de la Delegació d’estudiants, PDI i PAS va dissenyar les següents activitats: Mural: Egressades de l'FNB des de l'any 80 L’any 1960 hi havia una disposició legal que impedia a les dones ingressar a les Forces Armades, impediment que s’estenia també a les escoles de Marina Civil. Aquesta disposició no es va derogar fins l’any 80, després de l’arribada de la Constitució del 78, que establia la igualtat davant la llei d’homes i dones, sense discriminació de sexe. És per aquest motiu que fins el curs 1979-1980, les dones no es van poder matricular per primera vegada en estudis nàutics de la Marina Civil a Espanya i no és fins l’any 1984 que a l’FNB hi ha la primera titulada. Des de llavors més de tres-centes estudiants han passat per la nostra escola. Cartells: informem amb xifres reals sobre temes d'igualtat Penjada de cartells amb dades informatives sobre qüestions de desigualtat de gènere. Encintem de lila l'entrada de l'escola Repartim llaços i pulseres lile

    Perspectives i reptes de futur de la marina mercant espanyola

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    Inauguració del curs acadèmic 2010-2011, amb la lectura de la Memòria del curs acadèmic 2009-2010 a càrrec del sr. Jordi Torralbo Gavilan. I Lliçó inaugural "Perspectives i reptes de futur de la Marina Mercant Espanyola". Lliurament de plaques commemoratives